45) Trio Ivoire - Inspiration from a similar combination of instruments

Hans Lüdemann: piano, keyboard and electronics
Aly Keita: Balaphon
Drums and guest changing. 

Trio Ivoire is a trio that consists of piano, balaphon and drums. They work at the melting of west african music with european jazzmusic. 
I know Hans Lüdemann also as one of my piano teachers since my studies in Cologne. 

I find, that this project is a bit similar to the project that Thaung Htike and I develop. 
It has additional drums. 
And Hans is providing electronics as well. And quarter note effects thanks to his little keyboard on top of the piano. A concept that he has been working on for a long period and involved this concept into his music in general.

Observing this project now with this new perspective in mind, can I find inspiration for my work with Thaunh Htike?

Is it interesting for me in the future to also use electronic additions for either or both my voice and my piano??? I could imagine to gain interesting blends and effects. 
Just a thought. 

I provide some links to Trio Ivoire:



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