13) Thar Nge. A young burmese singer. I accompanied him on the piano for some highly clicked youtube videos! ;-)

In Gitameit in 2014 I met Thar Nge during our jazz workshop week for the Gitameit music center. 
He is a young and very talented singer, I remember him as so eager. He just wanted to learn as many things as he could.

He tried to find a way to broaden his knowledge and develop his talents as a musician. We were thinking about Germany/Europe. But these plans excelled my power to help him.

He found another way and in the meantime he studied composition in Bangkok. 

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/07thar.nge

He is famous in Myanmar! ;-) If you follow more of his videos you'll find he is more of a pop singer. 

In 2014 he offered me to do a video. There was no time left, our schedule was too busy. But in 2015 I remembered my promise and we videotaped two tunes.
Tagu Films, a young burmese film team did the wonderful job. And that day was fun!!! 

His own composition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFuynNDEbKw
Someone even did an english translation of Thar Nge´s lyrics on youtube!
Check that! 

It don't mean a thing:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJAaStlwTzM


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