17) Waing.org

Who wants to investigate even more about Burmese music finds a wonderful platform here:

Upcoming news, researches and so on.

There are some Burmese living in Germany. And there are few people in Germany who speak burmese as a foreign language.
I had the chance to meet some of them last year, one of them is also responsible for the platform waing.org: Friedlind Riedel, M.A. | Bauhaus University Weimar. She is very interested in fostering the knowledge and the research about burmese music. She wants to bring more understanding about this music to Europe, as far as I understood her. 

Below you see Friedlind Riedel, Thaung Htike and me at the music store Cologne. We did this a an "excursion" for fun in October 2017. 
Friedlind also came to our concert at the Loft and contributed some indeed interesting knowledge. She speaks Burmese. 


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