22) Collaboration With "Plattform Für Neue Transkulturelle Musik" In Autumn 2017

It was a great pleasure to work together in a little tour with Matthias Mainz who is responsible for the contents of the "Plattform Für Neue Transkulturelle Musik" and researches in many different directions.
Matthias Mainz organized three "discussion concerts" for us. 
We were two groups. The corporate idea of these evenings was to combine the very European instrument piano with a duo partner from another cultural background. 
Our main interest was to show, how intercultural communication can be started. And how you can manage to communicate, exchange and finally enrich the growing music on eye height. What special challenges you encounter between the traditions. And what you learn as soon as you start to listen to the other partner.


"The Platform for Transcultural New Music is a coalition of musicians and composers from Germany with Persian, Arabic, Kurdish and Indian musical influences."

Hein Tint, Pat Waing (burmesischer Trommelkreis) / Laia Genç, Piano; Hesen Kanjo, Kanun / Matthias Mainz, Piano, Live-Elektronik
In this constellation we played at three different dates and venues together: 

20.10.2017, Zentrifuge Bonn.
Some impressions from this evening.

Hesen Kanjo and Matthias Mainz in their musical dialog: 

After the concert ;-)

22.10.2017, Anneliese Brost Musikforum Ruhr, Bochum:

27.10.2017, Loft Köln.
For this concert I will have an extra post. We recorded this concert. So there are audio files and there will be videos as well. 

Accompanying texts and thoughts of Matthias Mainz to the collaboration (In German): 

An excerpt of the press material of those concerts. In German. 


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